Aloha! I'm Michele the Trainer and I host an International Women in Film podcast from Los Angeles, California and would love to feature more women on my show, including ALL cast and crew (not just dir or prod), TV, YouTube, etc. You can take a sneak peek here, the show is NOT launched yet (pre production). Get in on the launch promo now with YOUR interview. We can review/rehearse ahead of recording, audio only, from any location as long as there is a good internet link! When I'm not doing this, I'm a polymath project engineer and a wellness professional :) Tell me about YOU! http://internationalwomeninfilm.com/ If you're interested I need your email address, thank you. Men if you have an interesting project or story, I have another show that is more technical, connect and let's see if there is a fit.
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This. Is. Awesome! Many thanks for spreading content and awareness of women creatives as we chisel away at the glass ceiling! I just joined your mailing list :-)
Thank you!