Introduce Yourself : My new music video - Duru Duru by Arunjit Borah

Arunjit Borah

My new music video - Duru Duru

Hi Guys, I am a Indian filmmaker and I was making a film Taxii ,I got stuck after editing due to fund . My music composer Brandi Thomas , who is a stage 32 member, she has motivated me to go for crowd fundling and trust me we have achieve our fund goal on indigogo in 11 days . I thank Brandi and RB for thier support .Ater my independent short film Taxii I just did a Music video . Kindly find the link of the making of the project .

Guillermo Ramon

Hi, I love Bollywood films. Also watch Tamil and Telugu. It is great you met your goal. If I had known on time, I would have contributed.

Arunjit Borah

Thanks Clare.. :)

Arunjit Borah

Hi, Guillermo , It is nice that you like Bollywood films and other Indian films as well . I really appreciate that you wanted to contributed . I think we should team up and do something near future .. what say ?

Arunjit Borah

Hi Carl , I and my editor Paul are working on editing table . It will be out by this month end .

Jorge J Prieto

Congrats, Arunjit. Btw, thanks for hiring out Brandi Thomas, she is a great talent and a friend.

Arunjit Borah

Hi Jorge , Yes, Brandi is such a nice person , she has motivated me like anything . Here in India , people like the OST of my film Taxii, She is extraordinary talent .

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Congratulations Arunjit. Best wishes for your film.

Arunjit Borah

Hi Cindy, Thanks for wishes .. Keep in touch .. :)

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Your welcome Arunjit. Yes, I'll keep in touch, you as well. :)

Arunjit Borah

Hi Carl, I and my editor Prodip are working on edit of the video as of now :)

Arunjit Borah

Sure Carl :)

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