Hi, just introducing myself. I joined quite a while back, but totally forgot about it until the other day when someone mentioned the site. My excuse, if you can call it that, is I've been wrapped up with research for the last 10 months or so studying for a Masters Degree. I'm from Derby, England & love almost everything involved in the film making process, accept being the Producer; something I've had to do reluctantly to date. My preference of skills (in order) are Directing, Acting & Writing. Hope to meet some likeminded passionate people on here, so I can spend less time on FB!
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Hey Stuart. Welcome! How's the Masters going? As someone who has been in the business for the best part of twenty years, working on such films as Sleepy Hollow, Enigma, Star Wars and Harry Potter - as well as being a script consultant for over a decade, you're more than welcome to get in touch, shoot the breeze and chew the fat!
Hi Phil, thanks for the welcome. The Masters is ticking along nicely, but hard work; especially since I enrolled on it from life experience rather than previous academic achievements. Got a distinction on my paper on The Use of Jungian Archetypes in the Horror Genre, but only 2 passes since that; need to do better in my last 2 modules. With the exception of Harry Potter (not my thing); I love your portfolio.
Fantastic. I researched Jung and his archetypes many moons ago for a project. Found it fascinating. Would love to read it sometime if you're allowed to send it out. Sorry about the Harry Potter connection. Must admit after several years working on them back to back they started to become not my thing either! :)
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Hey Stuart, welcome sir!
Thanks Michael :-)
Pretty good Aray, & you?
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Stuart - What is up next after your Masters Degree?
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Hi William, I'm hoping to begin pre-production on a feature length psychological horror, but am also considering continuing in education & going for a PhD.
Nice to meet you too Martina