I posted this already but got no response, so thought I'd ask again. I wrote a feature script which has been turned into a movie, and I'm in the process of writing 2 more scripts at the moment. Has anyone got any advice on getting/dealing with agents?
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from what I understand, you should get a manager first, then with a manager, he/she can help you find a suitable agent. Managers will be there in your corner, helping you develop scripts, and develop yourself as a writer, so first step is manager. How to find a manager? The best way would be to place in some contests, or writing labs so that you have some sort of outside validation that your writing is actually good enough, then start querying different managers/management companies, or attend a pitchfest and target the managers. But on that note, you have to have 2 solid pieces of writing sample, one original TV pilot, and one feature. At the end of the day, if you do get a manger to take a look, he/she will only read the first 10 pages of your script, and if it's not good enough, then that's it for you with that person. They mainly look for the "voice" of the writer, which will come through on the first 10pages. So the material needs to be great, then the rest will come! good luck!
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Cheers Byron, that gives me a better understanding of where to go from here. Thanks again for taking the time to reply.
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Here is what you're looking for, I think: http://gointothestory.blcklst.com/2016/02/reader-question-are-there-diff...
Thanks Mark, some helpful tips in that post.