So I've had this story for a few years now that is dying to come out but it's so big and twisted with multiple players that I'm having a hard time narrowing it down yet bringing justice to it. Basically, the concept is the powers that be that are hidden and run the world. Banks, corporations, elections, politicians, etc. the wealthy of the wealthiest and sacrificing people for world domination. It's hard to narrow down a main character because one person won't defeat it all, but any suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Stage 32.
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Interesting. Argo. He wasn't alone either.
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That's quite an undertaking, with lots and lots and lots of connected dots. Think JFK, The Parallax View, The Man Who Knew Too Much, The Da Vinci Code, Seven Days in May, Three Days of the Condor, All the President's Men, Enemy of the State, etc. The Panama Papers might be next. Heh-heh. As a thriller, the "secret" has to be exposed. Someone leaks it, or it's accidentally discovered or intentionally discovered. Your protag could be an individual who is well-equipped to discover it, or is someone who is not so well-equipped. Or your protag could be a news organization, or a not-for-profit organization that specialiizes in that type of undertaking and in exposing those types of things. Or it could be a Wiki-Leaks type organization, or even a simple hacker who uncovers more than he/she was expecting. Or it could be a guilt-ridden insider spilling his dying guts to someone - from his butler to anyone. It's a theme I've thought about before, as I'm sure many others have, too. There are a lot of ways you can go with the protag angle. Make sure your storyboard is huuuuuge! Good luck!
Thanks for the help. As you can see, there's a lot to expose and I want to create Someone or group that's different from the media or others that have been done. I've got dialogue and scenes and complex twists but it's pulling it together.
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Currently a Melbourne newspaper is reporting a huge story on a secretive oil company that facilitates bribing amongst very large and more well known companies. it's a real cloak and dagger affair where they were contacted by an insider and given heaps of emails and information. the reporter even had to travel to paris to meet this anonymous person. it all seems like a movie. the story is huge. they have had to run several stories over several days because it's so big. a newspaper is made by many people and you can have more than one reporter on a really big story so I'd go that route.
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Which secretive oil company, Cherie, I'm curious.
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When you want to go somewhere, you pull up at the pump, and put some gas in your car. Thanks, Oil Company for having gone and gotten the oil out of the ground, processing it, and taking it all the the way to the pump where I can fill up my car. If you want to find bribery and deceit investigate some of these so called 'clean energy' companies who just stole billions with nothing to show for it.