Hello! I'm inviting everyone in the San Francisco and San Jose area to come to Camera 12 in San Jose on Thursday, April 28 at 7:00 PM to see my new short film "Mr. Davenport Comes to Dinner." I made this film with people I met from here, Stage 32. A very unique and rewarding experience, it was great to work with the incredibly talented people I found. They were AMAZING! This film is part of the San Jose 48 Hour Film Project and one ticket will get you in the door to see several short films (including mine) by several local filmmakers. You'll need to buy tickets in advance, which you can do here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2016-san-jose-48hfp-group-b-tickets-2465849... Watch the trailer below and come out for a very fun time in support of local filmmaking!! Cheers, Chris