Introduce Yourself : SCREENWRITER WANTS ATTENTION! *grovels on floor* by James S Richards

James S Richards


Hi, I'm James, a wannabe pro screenwriter. Here are my stats: > 28 years of age > 25 years of movie enthusiasm > 6 years of screenwriting experience > 3 year Uni Degree majoring in Screen Production > 3 feature screenplays > 3 short screenplays > 1 Screencraft Short Screenplay Comp quarterfinalist > 1 huge passion > 0 produced screenplays If you detect a hint of chagrin, please don't be fooled; I'm really friendly and looking to meet fellow film enthusiasts. Check out my profile and have a gander through my writing samples. Maybe we will work together sometime. Onwards and upwards. James :)

Izzibella Beau

Hi, James. Welcome to Stage 32. I would love to work with you someday. Keep up the determination and drive.

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