Hi Stage32 Community! I've never actually introduced myself. My name is Courtney and I'm the creator of Empress Media Company. A company whose main goal is to change the way women and minorities are portrayed in the media. Our focus is on making media that really resonates with women an audience that is often forgotten about. I have a number of projects in the works, and have been working to build a strong relationship with Silicon Valley. If you want to learn more about me and my vision for this company you can check out my youtube channel. If you work in front of or behind the camera feel free to reach out and say hi!!! www.youtube.com/goddesscourtney26
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Hi, Courtney, wishing you the best with you projects and company.
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Courtney - kudos to you on your mission! What made you want to start the business? What inspired you?
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Hi Courtney, I just wanted to reach out and say hello. That's a wonderful mission statement you have. Good luck, and wishing you all the best!
Hi Julie, I'm racially mixed, and growing up I never saw people on tv who looked like me. I definitely was aware of the large unfortunately negative impact that it had on me. I entered college as pre-med, but after taking a film class I realized my passion for filmmaking and decided that this is such a powerful way to make things better. If our media was able to have such a strong impact on me, even in a negative way, it means it could also have a very strong positive impact on others. I think there's a lot of people who are looking for change within the industry and I'm hoping that I can be an integral part of that.
Awesome mission, Courtney! I always tell writers how much it is up to us to change the way women and diverse people are represented, but it's to have allies out there.
Glad to meet you. Would like to network. :)
Great to hear from you and the great work that you do, Courney. Don't be a stranger now.