Introduce Yourself : Hello by Christian Conte

Christian Conte


I just wanted to introduce myself. I've spent my professional career in advertising as a copywriter and have just gotten into screenwriting the last year. I am excited to be a part of a community of artists and hope to learn and share more about the craft and business of screenwriting. Cheers!

Brian Walsh

Welcome to the community Christian!

Christian Conte


Stephen Barber

Welcome, Christian! You'll love it here.

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome aboard, Christian! There are over 80,000 screenwriters on Stage 32, so you're in great company!

Andrew Louis Marnik

Welcome, Christian! I just got back on here myself after a long hiatus. Too long, actually!

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome back, Andrew!

Ron Meade

Welcome Christian, and best of fortune in your new career!

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