Hello all, So once and a while I like to stand back and take stock of where I am and generally how things are going. Since I made the decision to really make the push to act in April Ive managed to get cast in two short films and four music videos, Im collaborating with a producer in the states on a web series, Ive since been cast in two more shorts set up for July and August. I practice everyday, take any classes I can find and keep trying to network. But the question I keep asking myself is 'am I doing enough?' is this a question that all actors ask themselves or am I just being stupid?
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I think all driven creatives always wonder if they're doing enough. I do a weekly segment on Will Robert's ACTING UP RADIO show and we talk about this subject all the time - Are you controlling what you can control. Ask yourself that question every day. I would say in your case, Tony, you are certainly controlling what you can and taking matters into your own hands. Even your participation here signifies that.
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Hi RB, thanks for the positive feedback, I agree its a question I ask myself everyday. One of the hardest things is having to accept that some things you simply cant control and to not waste energy on it. One thing I have been surprised at though is how much you can control, when you really think about it you have a great amount of control. Like when you go for an audition, you have all the control, you control the impression you give the caster, you control how you prepare for the role (just my opinion of course). Thanks again for the feedback.
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I'd say it's the absolute hardest thing. But there's great freedom that comes with acceptance.
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I think you're bedeviling yourself with the wrong choice of word. 'Enough' has all sorts of implications which I don't think help someone build a career. That is, 'enough' implies that there is a certain quantifiable level of activity which you must put in to achieve success and if you don't do 'enough', you won't succeed. I think this is both intellectually and psychologically the wrong approach. As mentioned above, there are all kinds of things which you can't control in working to be successful. And food, a roof over your head, etc., all are necessities. I'd consciously discard 'enough' and simply do what makes sense in terms of you, your work, and your life.
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Richard is right; you seem very busy and committed to what you are doing. I wouldn't doubt you're headed places.
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The fact that you question yourself in that way is a good sign that you're in this for the long haul. It's something we ask ourselves all the time. You cannot however let it consume you. It's a question that can easily make you feel down on yourself. We as a society have gotten used to instant gratification and when results don't appear immediately, when we've been working so hard, it can be disheartening. Just remember that the fruits of your labor will come, some early, some will take a while, but they will and always will come to you. And when these triumphs do come, big or small... it's the best feeling ever.