Whats up Whats up Whats up STAGE 32 peeps? This is your friendly neighborhood channel creator / reporter from Pay it Forward TV on You Tube, LaryBud.. Anyways I wanted to see how many folks were also You Tube creator's how long you've been broadcasting, how many subscribers you have, and ask you to comment about what your channels focus is? Like for instance Pay it Forward TV focuses on the documenting the unselfish kind and charitable acts in my community then interviewing them about what their doing, I've been on You Tube for 2 1/2 years with just over 4,000 subbies, enjoying every second of my time interviewing some amazing folks. Now go ahead chime in and tell me about your channels feed and share your link.. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMDv24sIwDdwD8040P_TZ6w