I am a Director/Editor in Shreveport, LA. Myself, along with several other filmmakers are aiming to shoot a feature film before the end of the year. The reason for this deadline is to take advantage of several tax incentives that may not be available next year. So, since we are limited on time we're hoping to connect with screenwriters that already have completed scripts they would like to see on the big screen. Please contact me if you're interested. Thank You
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Hey there, Jonathan. I sent you a network request. I'd love to talk more with you about your production. Thanks, Anthony Pittore
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Hello, I would like to find producers in France seeking writers who have great imagination, a bit like me. Too bad you live far away and my English is not perfect. I think I'd have perfect English. Good luck in your search.
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Hi Jonathan, What kind of screenplay are you looking for? Genre? Budget range?... I suspect there are lots of screenplays floating around Stage32 :) Thanks,
Great questions! Ideally, we're looking for Horror scripts that could be filmed for under 200k. but i'm open to other genres as well.
We have an awesome script that we were looking for a little more than you mention but can be done for less. we were originally thinking $500'000 but can be done for less. we also have a couple of named actors attached. If you interested I have just network requested you and can send you links to website and script etc.
Also Jonathan, I have a script for an Eli Roth style horror (with an awesome story that will get lots of interest) along with a tv show (a little like Tales From The Crypt). Again for more info on any of these, just ask. These are all micro budgets but have the scope to be very successful.
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I am working on a dramatic narrative entitled IMMIGRANT DREAM. I would welcome the opportunity to chat with you and learn more about your endeavors.