For those who don't like writing's always good to have it completed before you start trying to market your script. If someone likes your pitch/logline/synopsis, they might request the treatment the day you pitch it/post the logline/synopsis somewhere (like Inktip). It should be ready to go/already on a site like Inktip, and extremely entertaining in itself. + It's a good idea to chunk it out if you work with an outline or beat sheet + Or it's a good idea to chunk it out while you're working on the sections of your script + Or it's a good idea to chunk it out in any fashion that is most beneficial to your output habits. The last situation you want to be in is to have someone request your treatment, and you don't have it. That's like writing a ten-page term paper/research paper overnight.
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Whatever the producer wants - some want 3 pages, some want 5 pages, many want 10-15 pages, some wants as many as 35 pages. They'll tell you.
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For those who don't like writing's always good to have it completed before you start trying to market your script. If someone likes your pitch/logline/synopsis, they might request the treatment the day you pitch it/post the logline/synopsis somewhere (like Inktip). It should be ready to go/already on a site like Inktip, and extremely entertaining in itself. + It's a good idea to chunk it out if you work with an outline or beat sheet + Or it's a good idea to chunk it out while you're working on the sections of your script + Or it's a good idea to chunk it out in any fashion that is most beneficial to your output habits. The last situation you want to be in is to have someone request your treatment, and you don't have it. That's like writing a ten-page term paper/research paper overnight.
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I just finished my treatment draft yesterday. Now I'm trying to see if I need to bulk it up or trim it down...