Hi, my name is Avalon Dickson. I'm 21 years old, and I'm looking to get experience in the filmmaking industry. I'm relatively new to this Business, and because of that, I know I don't have much to offer at this point. So I'm willing to work for free on anything, so that I can grow my skills, and meet people within the industry(even though I say free, I won't just do anything, and also I can't spend a lot of money to help on a project). I live in Tracy, CA, but, depending on the project, I'm willing to travel as far as Sacramento or San Francisco(the bigger the project, the further I'll go). My strongest skill at the present is probably screenwriting, but I can operate a camera, and know how to record audio(but I don't have my own gear). I'm also learning how to use Lightwave3d(an animation software), and Final Cut Pro. Everything else is minimal, but I'm willing to learn. If you want to see somd of what I've made, my YouTube channel is Avalon Films: https://m.youtube.com/user/RegenerateScribe I know I don't have anything good at this point, but everyone has to start somewhere. If you're invested in working with me, please send me a message. And even if you're not, I would appreciate any advice you have to offer. Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.
There's a really active film community in Fresno is that within your range? http://fresnofilmmakersalliance.com/ All the best Avalon! R
Hey, Avalon welcome to the community. Aray is right, there is always something to offer. We all have things to learn, this industry keeps growing and changing, no one person knows it all. I wish I could have you on my team, I'm just learning too, but I'm way over here on the east coast. The only thing I can do is offer advice. Good luck.
You can also check out the Capital Film Arts Alliance in Sacramento: http://www.capitalfilmarts.org/ Get on their mailing list. They have classes, monthly meet ups and casting / crew calls all the time.