Introduce Yourself : Screenwriting by Michael Dodd

Michael Dodd


Hi! I'm new to the Stage 32 community but eager to get involved and learn as much as I can from other members. If you would like to connect please feel free to send me a request. I have a strong and profound love for screenwriting, film making and music. Always open to new opportunities and possibilities no matter the size of the project. Excited to be here, thanks!

Jonah King

welcome to stage 32!

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to have you here, Michael. Your selfless spirit is a perfect fit for the vibe around these parts. Very much looking forward to your contributions!

Michael Dodd

Thanks for the greetings, I very much appreciate it!

Brandon Clark

Sounds like this website was an excellent endeavor for you to dabble in. I wish you wells of wealth in uncovering the wheels to success!

Brian Walsh

Nice to have you here, Michael!

Barak Shavit

Hi Michael! Welcome:)

Benjamin Pearce

Welcome, Michael!

Michael Dodd

Thanks guys!

Jonah King


Josephine Jeffries

welcome to stage 32.

Joseph J Washington, II

good to have you here, michael. welcome!

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