Here to formally introduce myself, my name's Vick and I'm an alcoho-- wrong place!! Sorry about that. I'm an aspiring all round filmmaker. I say 'all round' because I've only ventured into perfecting my writing thus far; for both television and features. Comedy IS my sultry mistress, from the jet-black psychological mind-molesters to the-- I'm really not interested in any fluffy nor happy offerings, neither should you. Let's all slit our wrists... you have a lot of catching up to do. I'm weird that way.
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Allo. comedy chix always welcome at my place! let me know if you are up for swapping notes. Looking for great insightful brutal ones that tell me what to fix and maybe suggest a few ways how!
This is a terrific IY post, Vick. Love your style. Great to have you here.
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Welcome to Stage 32, Vick!
Welcome, Vick!
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Welcome Vick you are funny as you say.
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Welcome , Vick !!
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Welcome VD, who are some of favorite comedians?