Shortz! Film Festival, Chico CA, is looking for a few industry professionals to judge some short films in a few categories. It is usually a very small commitment of time (1-2 hours or less) depending on the category assigned. It is done completely online via a link on Film Freeway. Our goal is to have the categories judged by Sept 3 so the winners of those can move on to the finalist judges. Our festival is Sept 16-18th in Chico Ca. This is a fun way to contribute your skills and knowledge. Thank you! ~ Renee
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Hey I'm game. Send me a PM
I don't know if I qualify, but I do know StoryCraft. I'm game too!
Hi Dan and Shawn, thank you for replying. I am working on sorting the films into categories today and will find out each category's time commitment. Then I will touch bases with you to find out what you'd like to help with. It's fun and easy. Thanks again, be in touch very soon. Renee
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Hi Shawn, categories are set. Would you send me your email so I can get you set up on Film Freeway.