Introduce Yourself : Hello again by Matthew Murnan

Matthew Murnan

Hello again

Hello everyone, new and old to the site. My name is Matthew Murnan, and I've been on Stage 32 for around a couple of months now. I'm Oklahoma born and raised, currently living and working in Los Angeles as a cinematographer and camera crew member. Although I'm new-ish (4 months) to LA, I've been working in photography and film for the past 10 years now, and love what I do. I've worked and dabbled in several areas in the film area, whether storyboarding, directing, cinematography, gaffer, grip, PA, audio, editor, colorist, sound tech, etc, but I find that the camera and light are still my love (with a bit of editing on the side). I'm still learning, and still growing with every experience I get. I've recently worked as a cinematographer for a 6 episode comedy series, Humor Me, and am going to be working on a short film this weekend as the same position. I'm excited to find more community and connect locally and internationally. Stage 32, what a great platform!

Shawn Speake

Great to see you in the lounge, Matthew! Looks like it's time for a STAGE32 MEETUP!

Richard "RB" Botto

Congrats on the move, Matt! Terrific to have you here as well. Best of luck with the film this weekend!

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