We've optioned a superb short story and written a concise short script sticking closely to the original. Now the author of the short story thinks we can raise a large sum of money from his rather extensive list of Facebook friends if we convert the story into a feature. But, he wants us to expand the 30-page script into 90 while he works on a novel. My question is should we agree to this? The story is taught and dramatic as is. Or, should we chase the money and add scenes not in the original. If the latter, would anyone be interested in helping with this project? There would be some remuneration after our October Seed and Spark campaign, if successful. The story comes with a promotional blurb from Rod Serling's daughter!
Is there any unexplored story? I have a great little 30 page script. Wrote it to get a story out of my head. I was happy and shared it with a few people. They all came back with questions around character motivation. Tada, story to explore. I believe no scene should do the job of another scene. If you have shown someone to be a jerk, showing it again would be boring. I am telling you stuff you know..... So can you find more story? Is there a different point of view that can run parallel to contrast and highlight your original story?
Thanks, Craig. A parallel story might do the trick. I completely agree, showing my character being a jerk over and over would be boring.
don't know anything about your background but if u are asking, I'd pick the short movie. Doing a feature brings an entire new business plan. Do u want to work on this story for the next 2-3 years? there is no shame at being a mercenary filmmaker. If u got no MONEY at stake, do the feature. If u got your own money on the line, do the short.