Hi all, I was reading through an article on Backstage about the importance of taking regular breaks. Which I found was quite the contrast to the vast amount of motivational material that is pumped through our social media channels. Although I like to read the motivational posts its reached a stage where you almost feel guilty for wanting to take a break. http://www.backstage.com/advice-for-actors/backstage-experts/top-reasons... Im sure most of you have got it covered and have found the right balance but just in case there are those that haven't it might be worth having a few days to yourself. I know this post will sound stupid but its so easy to fall into a habit of pushing yourself too far trying to be everywhere and everything. Enjoy your weekend everyone.
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I enjoyed the article although I don't act anymore. It kind of applies to life in general. Our health is our wealth. The next big contract may never even come. Social Media is a double edged sword. Yes ...we are instantly beamed into more pressure....or competition .....but on the other hand Artists can get themselves out there without the need to be at the mercy of studios or closed shop croonerism or equity. Thanks.
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Good article. I can say first hand that making time for your health and yourself is paramount. I am currently recovering from an illness brought on by ignoring signs that I was tired and ill - I kept working through it until I collapsed and was in hospital for a week. Scary stuff, and I will never do that again!
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Hi Rebecca. Glad your feeling better, sounds like you pushed yourself to the limit. I agree all too often to we see the signs and choose to ignore them.
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Definitely a wake up call. So many actors and other creatives fear missing out , but ypu absolutely need health first. Take care!