Where are the Webseries? Working with a very talented team on a great in Lond Island on a new webseries to launch late next month (I work on a few aspects and have a recurring role) and I am curious where I can find good, quality webseries out there? I know Vimeo and YouTube, of course, but what about elsewhere? Dedicated sites? Festivals? Competitions? Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks!
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freelancer.com and international screenwriters association and canadian pitchfest in la,good luck
Thanks Grace!
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Our own Stage 32 CEO, RB, participated in a great WGA panel on webseries a few months back, along with creators and film festival organizers - the full panel is viewable here: https://youtu.be/tpCoLQfC--Y. Lots of cool insight, and hopefully some new series for you to check out as well.
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Thanks a million, Matt!
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Do you mean Vessel Video, as well as streaming platforms like Seeso, Crunchyroll, and go90? These are typically SVOD.
Thanks, Regina!
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You could always check out www.akyumen.com and AkyumenTV our global OTT service that is signing up non-binding global distribution agreements with hundreds of independent filmmakers around the world to deliver great shorts, features, documentaries and web series to a global captive subscriber audience while paying filmmakers a participation and subscriber rev/share. It is our goal to empower the independents with higher revenue for their work and enable them to have better bargaining power for those stodgy entities who still think the current (old) way of distribution is actually how it will be in 3 years... it is a global internet with limited barriers... distribution should be the same way with filmmakers getting paid throughout the distribution and consumption life of their work.
Here is a webseries that I have been working on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3nJ9vs9hA4