Introduce Yourself : My name is Cleo by Zycleo Dishmon

Zycleo Dishmon

My name is Cleo

Simply put, I love doing what I do. I've been doing video production since 1996. I started out as a graphic designer and somehow fell into doing video production with a small advertising company. Since my first introduction to a video editing suite, Media 100, I've been hooked doing video production ever since. Mostly self taught, but still have a lot to learn. Trying to get into short film making, which I hope to do this year or early 2017. Done several short film contest, but just never seem to have the time to be able to sit down lately and do the stuff that's in my head.

Charles K. Frazier

Your last sentence says it all. Until you take/make the time, this stuff will stay in your head and you'll end up taking it to your grave. What good will that do anyone?

Matt Hurd

Welcome, Cleo! If short filmmaking is your goal, check out our latest Stage 32 Short Film Script contest: Best of luck with all your projects!

Evelien And Dorien Twins

@Matt, thank you for pointing it out... All our shorts are either a page too short or 2 pages too long (as in literally all of them) so we'll have a think-through about that :)

Erik Grossman

Hi Cleo! Welcome to the website!

Alex Holland


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