Introduce Yourself : Casting Director's Blog by Nicci Topping

Nicci Topping

Casting Director's Blog

Hi Everybody, This is my first post on Stage32 - be gentle with me :-). I have been a casting director based in the UK for nearly 20 years and cast many feature films, TV projects and commercials. I have just started blogging giving advice to actors on the casting process and much more. Check out my blog at where I cover such subject as 10 WAYS TO GET YOUR FIRST ACTING JOBS and 10 REASONS WHY SOME ACTORS GET ALL THE BEST JOBS. Hope you enjoy and it helps all you rising actors out there. Nicci x

Matt Hurd

Welcome Nicci, and thank you for sharing!

Sadie Dean

Great to have your expertise here, Nicci!

Richard "RB" Botto

Great IY post, Nicci! Great to have you and your experience here on the platform. Very much looking forward to your contributions!

Nicci Topping

Thanks everybody. Great to be here. I am discussing with Rosalind doing a guest blog post for you guys.

April Hedge

welcome Nicci I'm new too up here .

Richard "RB" Botto

Looking forward to it, Nicci!

Shawn Speake

Great to have you with us, Nicci!

Amit Kumar Vashisth

Heyyaa Hii there Nicci :). Welcome!

Pratheesh Nair

Welcome Nicci

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