This is the sizzle reel for the new Police Comedy Television series 'Stake Out' Created by PJ Jenkins. Looking to pitch/shop and feedback. Thank you for your time.
Muscle head Mike leads a special pilot program fugitive surveillance unit. Mike is rumored to be ex CIA, always he seems to always get his hands on the latest prototype gear to test in the field before becoming the norm. His odd ball team has the highest capture, conviction, and kill rate of the most wanted and sometimes off the radar fugitives to be found. Each member is hand-picked for his talent and even if it's seems like a mash pit, it work's! The Surveillance is effective because not only do they “Stake Out” the fugitives they also take them out. Viewers can look-up the police codes on our website and win apparel for watching. Product placement is sponsored and using the wrong hot sauce is a sure fire way to get kicked off this unit. Visit for the code list. (Under construction)
Good work, Pj! Pretty solid. What's the premise of the show?
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Muscle head Mike leads a special pilot program fugitive surveillance unit. Mike is rumored to be ex CIA, always he seems to always get his hands on the latest prototype gear to test in the field before becoming the norm. His odd ball team has the highest capture, conviction, and kill rate of the most wanted and sometimes off the radar fugitives to be found. Each member is hand-picked for his talent and even if it's seems like a mash pit, it work's! The Surveillance is effective because not only do they “Stake Out” the fugitives they also take them out. Viewers can look-up the police codes on our website and win apparel for watching. Product placement is sponsored and using the wrong hot sauce is a sure fire way to get kicked off this unit. Visit for the code list. (Under construction)
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That's what's up, Pj!