Introduce Yourself : Happy to be back by Lynne M Smelser

Lynne M Smelser

Happy to be back

Hello. I joined Stage32 quite some time ago, but in recent months I've been really busy and haven't stopped by as much as I should. So I thouoght I'd say hello again. The group here on Stage32 is fabulous and I have always had nothing, but positive experiences, so I am happy to be back. I am a voice talent (successfully landing jobs for about four years now), a scriptwriter (several of my scripts have won national competitions), and most importantly an executive producer. My company Three Socks Media, LLC is currently working on a comedy that I wrote about two travel writers who make up a resort. As I said, it's great to be back on Stage32 and I look forward to meeting you!

Richard Gustason

Well welcome back Ms. Lynne. Looking forward to seeing more success stories from you.

Izzibella Beau

Hey, Lynne welcome back

Lynne M Smelser

Good to be back! Thanks, everyone! This is a great group of people.

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