Newbie to Stage 32. I actually came across this site while listening to RB's episode on the On the Page Podcast with Pilar Alessandra. Pretty new to that, too. I guess you can say I'm a newb to most things in this industry. For about the past four years I've run a family-owned video production company in Tampa. I have experience behind the camera, as well as behind the computer screen in editing (my declining eye sight can vouch for that last one). I've recently wanted to expand into different areas of this industry and have taken a couple screenplays off the back burner in hopes of reviving them. Who knows, maybe I'll look in to what it takes to be in front of the camera next. Excited to learn and connect with you all! Cheers! PS - I moonlight as a piano teacher. No, really. True story. I've played since I was 7 years old. So, yeah, there's that. Feel free to hit me up about music, too!
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Hi Krystal and welcome. Stage 32 is a great social network for connecting with like minded people. I think I joined over a year ago and have formed two great friendships with people I would've never met otherwise. I've written a number of short scripts and have just completed my first full length script which I'm hoping to put into production in the near future. I'm always happy to chat about things if you ever want to! All the best G
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Welcome, Krystal. So glad you heard that interview. One of my favorites of the last few years. Pilar does a terrific job. And don't worry about being a newbie! This platform is filled with talent and experience of all levels. We're all in it together. So don't be afraid to jump right in and participate!
Thanks for sharing and for all the good words, Gary!
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Great to have you here, Krystal. Pilar's podcast is one of my faves, one that I listen to daily. She's awesome. And RB is equally as awesome. Glad you found your way here. We have so many amazing people in this community who I'm sure will continue to inspire you daily and give you insight into the industry. Best of luck with your writing, your work behind and in front of the camera. And keep tickling those ivory's!
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Krystal I am not far from you I am in Orlando and where did you find the page podcast? Really am a little confused about getting around in this site but am learning a little more each time I come on here.
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Here's a link, Reneta -
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Thank you RB. There is a lot of information on this page.
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We like to provide our members with as much relevant and pertinent content as possible.
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Thanks for all the kind and welcoming words! So different here compared to other social media. Lovin' it! :)
That's how we like to do things around here, Krystal. We may be 500,000 strong, but it's the feel of a small and loving family!