Introduce Yourself : Create.Produce.Transcend by Jeremiah Reddick

Jeremiah Reddick


Hello Stage 32 friends, i wanted to introduce myself to everyone on here. My name is Jeremiah I am the creative director at Siren Vid in beautiful Boulder Colorado. I have been in video production for over 15yrs and have had the pleasure to work in all aspects of video and film. At Siren Vid we provide both video and animations for all different types of projects and clients. I always look forward to collaboration with other talented people and networking with everyone on Stage 32. Feel free to contact me with any possible collaborations on projects and I am constantly looking for talented people to hire for future projects as well. Cheers Jeremiah Reddick

Matt Hurd

Welcome Jeremiah! Great to have you in the community, and best of luck with all your production work (love the company name as well)!

Jeremiah Reddick

Thanks Matt, good luck to you as well.

Sonia Carroll

Hi ya welcome welcome

Karen Albright Lin

Hello fellow Boulderite, I hope you are doing well during this tough time and that you are somehow able to keep up with some of your projects. If you ever need some help (once we're out and about again) let me know. I'm a screenwriter, teach that subject, and have a short produced. But I'm willing to hear about any types of help you may need.

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