Screenwriting : Stuck on script. by John Mansell Jr

John Mansell Jr

Stuck on script.

Wrapping up my Sci-Fi script and I feel as though it is incomplete, missing something major. Downside, "writers block" I hate the term but don't have anything better to call it off hand. So my question is, do you think having a movie poster or prop from said movie can push me as a writer, inspire me, to give it that extra, to get the creative juices flowing again. I've tried writing on another script, but I am always drawn back to this one in particular. I have no drawing artistic ability and I'm not a prop master so I can't make either on my own, so what are your thoughts? Put the hammer down and write and hope something salvageable comes out( please God no) or look for someone to make said poster/prop.

Pierre Langenegger

Bad idea. It's not your job to make the movie poster and it's also a waste of money to pay someone to make it if you're stuck while writing the script.

Philip Sedgwick

Watch a couple of really bad sci-fi movies. That should fire you up. You know, yelling at the screen, "I can write better than that!" Or watch some Mystery Science Theater 3K.

John Mansell Jr

Netflix here I come!

Bill Costantini

I think it's a good idea. It helped Marc Morrow - he posted about it last week. You can do it in Adobe...even Powerpoint. Heck...even in Word or Excel. There are free softwares for it, too, and of course some pro companies that will send you a PDF or the completed 27" x 41" poster for anywhere from $50 - $100. They even have templates to help you do it. If you haven't already done it, i's also a good idea to make a big storyboard - like 3' x 4' - that has your storyline on it (not a poster). Like a giant Beat Sheet from Page 1 to Page End. That's the best inspiration/motivation for me when I'm working on a script, along with a whole bunch of questions that I ask myself for each beat; each scene; each character; each action line and each dialogue line. Good luck and Happy Writing, Double John!

Dan MaxXx

you're stuck because your outline/beat sheet is missing structure, drama, conflict... storytelling. sorry, bro, but doing a fake movie poster screams amateur. You're simply wasting Time and avoiding the work- rewrite the outline. Get feedback.

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