Introduce Yourself : Hello there! My name is Lama. by Lama Ahmed

Lama Ahmed

Hello there! My name is Lama.

I'm new to this site & the film-making field. I'm a 17 year old aspiring director. Unfortunately, I live in Egypt, a third-world country with almost no resources & getting into the industry here is close to impossible if you aren't born into it/have connections. Film-making is my dream, and it's hard to pursue it in a country that shows next to no appreciation for any kind of art. But I'm not going to let that get to me! I'm starting college soon & hope I get to start working on my movies. :-) Any advice on how to get started is much appreciated. Thank you!

Christine Lanroy

Hi Lama, 17 and your life is in front of you. First simply enjoy your youth, time goes by very fast and then make videos and shorts as you can, with a digital camera and your friends. Post it online and go on Kickstarter and never never give up even when it s tough... Kind regards. Christine.

Erik Grossman

Hi Lama!! Welcome to the site :) Let me know if you have any questions!

Lama Ahmed

Hello, Christine! That's very helpful, thank you! :-)

Lama Ahmed

Hi Erik! thank you! I'll be sure to. :-)

Sydney J. Levine

Pick up a camera or use your phone, read, watch movies and get to know your local film industry and its the magazine Arab Cinema, get to know MAD Solutions the first Middle Eastern film promo, publisher, sales rep and distribution company.

Lama Ahmed

Hello Sydney! your comment is very helpful. I haven't heard of MAD Solutions until now & will definitely get to know it. Thank you!!

Sydney J. Levine

MAD Solutions FB: /MADSolutionsOfficial Twitter @MAD_Solutions 18, Salah El-Din St. 3rd fl Zamalek, Postal Code 11211, Cairo Egypt

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