Something that's been on my mind a lot lately: using positivity to promote creativity and higher standards of art (particularly with relation to film, but in general as well). If you care to, let me know what you think about this concept. It seems like everywhere you turn in the film industry there are those people who feel that yelling at you and/or berating you and others on your team will somehow make you work harder or better. But in reality it's kind of like the person stuck in bumper to bumper traffic who has decided that honking their horn will somehow make the traffic miraculously move forward for them. As if the other cars are. It at all important. All it does is make everyone else more agitated with the situation.
Positivity is great! Here's the problem with positivity though: it far too easily transforms into stubborn ignorance or arrogance ("well, even if he and twelve other people didn't like that scene, I like it! It really ties the story together so I'm going to keep it! Hurray! Gluten-free!"). The reason executives resort to "yelling and berating" is because people don't listen. Be positive all you want - but you also have to listen to what people are saying.