Hello guys! My name is Cristina and I am 15 years old! Let me tell you a long story of my personal life! Me getting bullied experience: When I was in elementary school about the 3rd grade I started to get picked on because of my looks. I moved to a total different school not knowing anyone or the rules (which understandable) since I was new. I would get insults saying I was ugly or id never get into the entertainment industry. They would also say I was talented but the directors and producers wouldn't chose me becAuse of my looks. In elementary school i didn't cry but middle school came around and met new friends who are there for me and very very supportive. They started getting picked on and 7th grade I stopped getting pick on. Then 8th grade came along and people would tell me things like I can't make into the entertainment industry because of my looks or I can't make it into the singing division of the entertainment industry because of my looks. In 8th grade I couldn't handle it anymore so I started crying cause I was sick and tired of all the hate and I let them humiliate me in elementary school and make me stand there alone without a friend or friends. But once I finally get popular (more friends) they start to try to bring me down again! Those people brought my confidence down and what helped me was going into an acting school that everyone excepted everyone and everyone did what they love acting and modeling! Later in my breaks someone sent me a pic of myself on a page saying the rudest things which affected by life a little more. When i left that school and moved away from the kids who hurt me (high school) they tired to find my Instagram and once they saw that I was doing acting and modeling and meeting famous people in that industry they started to be nice and say they are my friends. But happy me blocked them and ignored them but did forgive them. Cause happiness doesn't start until you forgive your sadness! Always remember there's always bad days just gotta keep moving and learning and smiling!
Upward and onward. Welcome to the community!
Smart girl! Living life without forgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Welcome to Stage 32, Cristina!
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Hi Cristina! I was picked on when I was in school, but it just made me a stronger person. You do what you love to do and trust in the Lord and doors will open for you. God bless you. You are special in God's eyes.
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"Happiness doesn't start until you forgive your sadness." I LOVE that!
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Hang in there! Beautiful girls are a dime a dozen. I'll take different any day of the week. Many beautiful people never work on their personalities because they don't have to, so many are shallow and uninteresting. Personality is WAY more important than looks and I believe it comes through so much stronger if you're acting or singing. Good luck to you. Don't ever give up!