Hello everyone! I finished my drama feature script earlier this year and my goal is to produce the film myself (as opposed to selling the script). Of course there's that eternal chicken-and-egg question, as to whether to try to get financing first to attract actors and a director, or whether to try for actors and/or a director to attract financing. I do have an indie actor in mind for the lead, and I'm contemplating to send him the script and hope he likes it enough to want to be a part of the project. The story is set in the UK and ideally I'd like to film it there, but of course at this point I'm open to anything. I'm wondering if any of you have any advice on what my next steps should be? Or would anyone be interested to connect with me and discuss possible partnership on the film? Any help would be appreciated. THANK YOU!
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The answer to that question depends on where you ultimately want to see the movie go. If international distribution is your aim, you'll need to package your script with a-list talent . Here is a video on the subject. https://youtu.be/jypSfavqGzc?list=PL10pTecwER7_BVeB3gTQRWN4uwp_d-Rfj
Hi Ruth, I'm in the very same boat and would love to connect with and talk to you about your journey and share notes. I have most of the actors and a director who has worked with an A list actor who we both agree would be perfect for this story.
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Hi Ruth, let me ask a question and then try to help you. What are your relationships - with this indie actor your want to attach, with the potential directors, and/or with the potential financiers? Are you producing yourself, or will you be partnering with another producer? Do you have relationships with potential producing partners? With that info, I hope I can give you a little more guidance if I'm able to.
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You can always get a 'letter of intent' from the actor. It would be best to go through their agent/manager (if they have one).
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Hello Ruth I can get you $500,000 or more for your movie project. But your film production company or any kind of business you have must generate an income of at least $10,000 per month.
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A suggestion as a fellow screenwriter. The book "BANKROLL"--How to finance your independent film by Tom Malloy.
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Hello everyone, sorry it's been ages since I signed in to Stage 32 but for some reason I didn't get notifications that people have answered my questions so pardon the lack of response on my part. Well there's tons that have happened since I posted the question. I've actually written and produced a short film earlier this year, it's now on IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6985322/ Filming was done in April and now about to launch a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for post to get us to cross the finish line. I figure nobody is going to help you make your dream, you've got to do it yourself. My hope is this short film will enable me to convince financiers to fund the feature :)