Hi guys! I wanted to start a discussion here with the pro's and con's of various editing software! From Final Cut to Premiere, iMovie, PowerDirector, Avid etc! What's your experiences and frustrations with the programs and do some work better with certain type of jobs than others?
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I work primarily in Premiere and the Adobe Suite now, but I was educated on Final Cut 7. I like both programs, but the ease that assets can be shared and implemented through AE, Premiere, Photoshop, etc. really seals it for me. I never worked with Avid. I've been interested in trying it, but the opportunity has never really arisen for me.
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Getting LUTs imported into Final Cut X has been challenging - and it was much easier in Premier 2017.
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Premiere is rocking for me. As Stephen mentioned it's really easy to transfer footage between Adobe software like Photoshop or After Effects, or Illustrator. You have all you need and even more to achieve great quality and produce a professionally made video.
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I use both Final Cut X and Adobe Premiere. I personally enjoy using FCP because it is very simple and straight forward. I make a lot of video game montage videos for YouTube and I think Final Cut Works the best for my work flow. If you are on a Mac FCP is integrated very well and just works great with the updates to Finder. I only use Premiere Pro, when I have to send the files off to another editor that is using it. With that said, I prefer Adobe After Effects over Motion for any sequenced related scenes.
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Every production company I've worked at has used Avid -- usually 6.5. Things are getting more complicated with the increasing demand for 4K shows.
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The pros use Avid and Avid Pro Tools. I have used both. It's very nice but costly. Almost $200 a month plus a $50 ilock that takes one of your increasingly valuable USB ports. Oh and you need to use their hardware for certain high end options like 5.1 surround mixing. Hardware that costs upwards of $5k! No thanks. Adobe CC is a lot cheaper but still is $30 a month with a year contract. (If you do the contract you can't get out of it without paying the difference on the year contract -- upon which they cut you off) Monthly for Adobe is around $60. As for FCP7, it won't work on the newer Mac OS very well and doesn't allow for many types of 4k or higher resolutions. It is no longer supported by Apple. FCPX is in my opinion the best for a broke Indi film maker. It's a one time buy, you can put it on five computers and it will update forever -- no payment crap. It does take a bit of getting used to. (I recommend the Lynda.com tutorial.) It takes all formats and has some pretty cool effects linked to Motion which is every bit as good as After Effects. (Again the Lynda.com tutorial is the best for Motion too.) Same with Logic Pro X it does a lot more than Pro Tools LE or Adobe Audition will ever do and no payments.
Been using Premiere Pro w/Adobe CC. My opinion 2015 version is better than the 2017 version until Adobe sorts out the GPU confusion. Premiere effortlessly ingests all raw files and whatever you can throw at it. CC is about $50 a month. Just Premiere Pro is about $20 a month.