My name is Oscar and I am a film composer. I have been scoring films for over 10 years and it has always amazed me how amazing it is to work with creative people. I hope to have more opportunities to score some interesting and fun projects. I also look forward to meeting more of you here. Oscar _ _ Oscar Jasso Composer
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Hey Oscar! Be sure to check out the composing lounge :)
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What's good, Oscar! Welcome to the Fam. I see you're in Big Chicago! Have you thought about having a S32 Meetup? I've had three, been to four, and they're worth it! I have an agent now and I'm a feature extra on LONGMIRE. All from an actor I met at a meetup.
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Welcome, Oscar! Great to have you in the community with us!
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Hi Oscar! Great to have you and your talents here with us :)
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
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Welcome Oscar! Happy Holidays!