Introduce Yourself : I'm Ava! :D by Ava Maria

Ava Maria

I'm Ava! :D

Hello! I'm Ava :D I am an actor :) I love collaborating with fellow artists. I'm writing now - so hopefully a nice feature or web series script will come out of my efforts. Then I can reach out with a project idea ready to go for everyone. Feel free to contact me! Ava

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Ava. Happy to have you among us. Now, is Ava Maria your real name? In any case, it's cool, and so easy to remember. If I can help in any way, don't hesitate to ask.

Ava Maria

Thank you :) Yep - my "Mamma-given" name is Ava Maria :) Ok, great! Thank you! Let me know if I can be of any help to you as well!

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