Screenwriting : What are you working on?? by Shaunda Young

Shaunda Young

What are you working on??

I just finished a TV pilot...I'm trying to perfect it before I pitch..

DangerMan Urbansuperhero

Working on the next episode of our crime series the DangerMan Chronicles

Shaunda Young

what's the link for this?

David E. Gates

How is this question any worse than Emily's? Yet I don't see you dragging this poster over the coals.

David E. Gates

No, I haven't... But I don't give anyone a hard time if they post a question, or a banal and redundant answer - as I've seen you do, either. You don't have to answer any question she poses. Just ignore them and move on instead of attacking her.

Jody Ellis

David, Emily is a bit of a troll who likes to fill the board with random questions, some of which can be rather inflammatory. She has said she enjoys the attention it garners. Which is why I rarely engage with her. She is supposedly a teenager, which I have my doubts about, but even if that's true her posts have started to wear on most of the regulars here. I agree that ignoring her is the best course of action, but the endless barrage of nonsensical questions gets old.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Emily is a teenager—she's 17 and has been a member for years. Our membership is open to ages 13 and up. Again, just saying in general to keep the peace... If any member doesn't care for a post question or a comment, perhaps simply consider ignoring it and moving on. Conversely other members may feel differently and wish to respond. :) Let's please return this thread to its original topic. No need to further hijack it. Thanks.

Shaunda Young

This was a general geniune post just asking how people are doing on their writing projects...I have only ever posted this once before. I post it just in case folk want to chat, collaborate, and or advise on writing feel free to answer the question I asked on MY post...

Travis Sharp

I'm a quarter way into my masterpiece but I have multiple small and inherently selfish beings that live in my home and they seem to think that their dietary needs and schoolwork are more important than my art. Many people wish they had travelled more in their youth, I wish I had realized how much free time I had and had written more. Thanks for the chance to vent. That felt good. Happy writing to all!!!

Tony Cella

I'm revising a couple short horror spoofs. On the directing side, I've found most of the cast and crew for a short script based on a feature. I may end up revising the short if I don't find one last cast member. Hopefully it won't come to that.

Jody Ellis

I am a bit more than halfway through my latest screenplay, a "woman in peril" type thriller.

Shaunda Young

@Travis I like that you called it a masterpiece! I wish I had given my self more time back to learn back in the day. @ Tony I'm intrigued about the directing side. Did you do your own casting for the short? @Jody I like that title. I always have such trouble with finding a attention grabbing title. Is that a line in the actual movie? the title that is.

Jody Ellis

@Shaunda No that's just the genre, not the title.

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