Hello everyone, in this new era of distribution for Indie films, is anyone here who could tell us about their experience working with Distribber?
Hello everyone, in this new era of distribution for Indie films, is anyone here who could tell us about their experience working with Distribber?
This might not be helpful but this is certainly something I'd like to hear about as well.
Have not used then personally, but they have a good reputation
Wow, this question comes up so often. I should keep my previous post so I don't have to look it up all the time. Distribber is legit, but can be vary expensive. I wrote an article about a year ago breaking down all the costs of the various services they offer. Most direct to video indies won't come close to recouping those costs. Its just the way it is and what I always tell people is: Do the math. So if they are going to charge you $1500 to get your film on iTunes. An average feature download is 1.99 to rent, 7.99 to own... maybe it starts at 14.99. Apple takes 30% off the top. That leaves you with the rest (per distribber's model), or 1.3, 5.5, 10.5... which means you have to sell 1154 units, 273 units, 143 units respectively or 206 units averaged. That's 206 people that you need to drive to your movie because getting billing on the iTunes site above the studio pictures is nigh on impossible and distribber doesn't do any advertising for you. So you still aren't make a single $1 until after you get 200-1200 people to download and watch your movie. It also charges other fees for other services. Do the same math. There's a reason GoDigital (which was already in the EXACT SAME SPACE) paid all that money for Distribber: customers and profit.
Thanks for the info Jon
Look at http://quiverdigital.com/ too. Same type of business. Different pricing structure. Looks like they have more options, though, than Distribber although make sure to check out the FAQ which has specific line item pricing that you may or may not be able to do yourself (and hopefully wave).