Introduce Yourself : Looking for like-minded professionals. Hello! by Scott Michael Kimball

Looking for like-minded professionals. Hello!

Aspiring comedy/action/adventure/thriller/sci-fi/dark humor/violence screenwriter - just to name my specialties! I have two full feature screenplays written and more on the way. I am new to it all but I do not lack passion.

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic, Scott. With over 90,000 writers and screenwriters on this platform, I'd say you're in great company. Look forward to your contributions and to seeing you around the neighborhood.

Matt Hurd

Welcome, Scott! Great to see yet another fellow writer enter the community! Have you checked out our Happy Writers services here on the site? You can pitch your completed scripts or send them for feedback from working execs in the industry: Any questions, feel free to message me here or email me at!


Welcome to Stage 32, Scott!

Scott Michael Kimball

Thank you! Stage32 seems like a great thing and I'm glad to be here!

Erik Grossman

What up, boo! Welcome!

Scott Michael Kimball

Oh not much just trying to wrap up a script - you?

Diogo Lourenço

Welcome Scott, and may the world of screenwriting smile upon you!

Scott Michael Kimball


Scott Michael Kimball

Hello Marjolein thank you!

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