I'm working on my next novella and am currently in the ever fun research stage (actually there are times where I really do enjoy doing the research for my books). I am setting the story somewhere I haven't been yet but my gut says that that is where this story needs to be. A lot of the information I find on it is very touristy (including guidebooks and "top 10 places to visit" lists). I want something that helps me get into the heart and soul of the story and so far seem to be at a lost as to where to find something that doesn't sound like it was in a guidebook. Where do y'all go for your location research?
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Google search, youtube videos and imagination. How did JK Rowling write Harry Potter? She didn't have a computer, no Internet, single mom on welfare and never left her home town.
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look at vacation blogs! or post a thread on Stage32!
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There is nothing wrong using a travelling guide to craft the location of your story. It gives you an upper hand; a guidebook have the much information you can twist and manipulate to your advantage.
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Get your atoms there. If a loc is to be a character in the story, not just a backdrop, you need to visit the loc to write with authenticity.
Nothing wrong with the tourist view and a healthy blend of your own creative vision.
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Local newspapers. I write historical and use the Great Britain newspaper archives for the specific time I'm writing in. It gives you a better idea of everyday life for that locale. Get hyperlocal. Find the neighborhood newspapers, county or city if they're smaller towns.
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Depending on the locations, you could always read my book: Omonolidee, for inspiration. :-)
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