Hi animators! I'm a screenwriter who has written nine feature scripts and several shorts. I have a script for a silent animated short (in the vein of Pixar's shorts, but needless to say I don't know anyone at Pixar), but it's not clear whether something like this goes down the same path as a feature (i.e. find production companies on imdb and send query letters or enter contests). Have any of you gone down this path before? Maybe you can point me in the right direction?
Hi Shelly,
Maybe you could try connecting with some of the members who are animators? Or if you see some animated short films at festivals that you like you could contact the producers? Good luck with your project.
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There are tons of festivals for animations. Here's a handy-dandy list: http://www.animation-festivals.com/
I would figure out what your scripts might be best suited for, and then pick a festival. This way, you have a clear goal in mind when you approach animators about putting it together. "I want it done by X date for Y festival." it will also keep your vision focused to the festival's parameters.
Animation takes time.
So whatever you choose, you need to give yourself between a week to three months per minute to complete depending on the size of your team and complexity of the final animation. It's hard for me to judge without reading the script or knowing the budget or whom you're working with.
could you use a voice over talent? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC81R8yZEd0Xls6aKRVcUhmw
need to find the ANIMATOR first...
then I will go to the festivals
Hi Shelly, i am a freelance Animator in case you need my help. Thanks
Hey AmberGreenlee, will have to check that out when my script is finished. Awesome resource. Thank you! Warm Regards, RJN