Screenwriting : How do you like to end? by Tamim Almousa

Tamim Almousa

How do you like to end?

Finish with “End” or “End.” or “END” or “END.”

Which one is it?

Beth Fox Heisinger

Personally, I like THE END centered and spaced 3-4 lines down below FADE OUT. But to each their own. Writer's choice. ;)

Jody Ellis

Fade out.

Robert Rosenbaum

With a paycheck.

David E. Gates

FADE OUT. Don't use THE END - that is for books/novels/etc.

Tamim Almousa

Robert, you write "With a paycheck" at the end of your script?

Rutger Oosterhoff

The official "The Hollywood Standard" way is:

THE END underlined. But nowadays most people do not use " THE END " anymore, just " FADE OUT. " which is fine.

Alicia Norman

I just do FADE OUT

Beth Fox Heisinger

Writer's choice people! Utilize whatever ending format you prefer! And, sorry, David, it is not just for novels. When working with my mentor, former V.P. of Development at United Artists, she advised me as such. (And she has a helluva list of major projects and people she's worked with). Plus I see different ending treatments in every single script I read. Every. Single. One. Scripts from nowadays and scripts from any days. Yes, it's a small detail. But it's a nice detail. And, Owen, I care how I end my scripts.

Derek Dean

If this is what you're worried about, you have a lot of other things to sort out. Did you write something yet? Is this what you're stuck on? If you haven't written anything, proof read it, edited and done a second or whateverith draft, this shouldn't be a thought to have bouncing around in your head.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Derek, it's just a simple question... Why make such assumptions and judgements? And I know exactly what you meant, Owen. ;)

Bill Costantini

With a cigarette...a glass of wine....and some praise.

Alicia Norman

Owen, ohhhh so that wasn't just me. Yes, the site appears to be very buggy, esp., in the payment arenas.

Alicia Norman

Bill, is that Hemingway-ian red? LOL

Annie Mac

re THE END -- I heard from reliable sources that it's important to write something that signifies unequivocally that this is indeed where your script ends. Apparently readers get confused if it's missing... go figure, but stay on the safe side. I personally would like to end with fireworks ;-)

Tamim Almousa

Derek, my script made it to the semi-finals of both competitions I entered and I'm expecting to advance to the finals. I’m not hung up on such details, I was just making small talk.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Owen, yes, they are working hard to get everything resolved, and appreciate everyone's patience. When I hear something, I will post it. But let's please not change the subject of this particular thread. Thanks. ;)

Barry A.A. Dillinger

Don't worry about it, as they say in New York.

Bill Costantini

Alicia: it's more of a burnt orange/vermillion orange color....homemade.....not quite "Hemingwayian", but after a few glasses.....seeing God is a guarantee.

Danny Manus

i finish with TA DA!

Anthony Moore

With a good glass of Scotch. THE END

Allen Roughton

I never use a variant of "The End" and rarely see it in professional scripts, but when I do, it doesn't bother anyone. I try not to stress these little things.

Tamim Almousa

Dan, you write "a check waiting" at the end if your script?

Emily Mary Bianca Turrini


Beth Fox Heisinger

Yup, I see it used quite often. I've even seen FADE OUT omitted and only THE END on pro scripts. Anyhoo, it's all good. No one is worried. No stress. Just screenwriting. The choice is yours, dear writer. Happy writing! :)

Tamim Almousa

Just checking.

Doug Nelson

I write FADE OUT. Then I stop typing.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Claude, perhaps start a new thread discussion with your question. :)

C Harris Lynn


Jeff Lyons

FINIS ... because it's French.

Annie Mac

FIN is French. FINIS must be latin ;o)

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