Acting : Best And Worst Auditions by Stephen Anthony Bailey

Stephen Anthony Bailey

Best And Worst Auditions

I don't really share much of how auditions go. But the truth is that as an actor, auditions suck. Audition. It's a terrible word that strikes anxiety and fear into the hearts of every actor. It's got the word AUDIT in there. Like your going to act for the IRS. It's terrifying. We should remove the word from our vocabulary. Anyway, here's a couple of audition stories from my journey. Enjoy! My worst audition was for "Silicon Valley". I was in for a guest star role as "Tech Guy". The sides involved me using the audition camera as a security camera for some physical comedy. I go in the room, I do my first take. Goes well enough. I get direction to go bigger. As I went bigger I get close to the camera and knock it over. I catch it mere inches away from the casting associates face. She says, "It's ok." I go to leave and thank her and stick out my hand for a hand shake. Casting doesn't like to shake hands due to germs and not wanting to get sick. I remember this just as she is sticking her hand out to shake mine. I turn my hand into a fist bump to try to help the situation and her hand runs directly into my fist. I left. Needless to say I didn't book it and haven't been called back. Best audition was for a small part in "Hail, Caesar!" by the Coen Bros. I went to the callback and there they were. I was nervous of course. I've loved their work for as long as I can remember. Ethan shakes my hand, which I was of course hesitant about due to my last story. I do the scene and they laugh. Belly laughs. I left the room walking on clouds. I said for the first time TRULY MEANING IT that it didn't matter if I booked the part or not. Making them laugh was enough. I didn't book the part. But it was a great accomplishment making the Coens their own script. What are your best and worst auditions?

Izzibella Beau

Thanks for the stories, Stephen. I don't have any to share but enjoyed reading yours. I know it's easy to say than to do, but don't get so worked up over auditions. They are just people too... just doing their job. I try to make everyone as comfortable as possible when dealing with these nerve-racking instances. I cast a web series of twenty and don't think anyone who auditioned was afraid of me.

Stephen Anthony Bailey

Hey Izzibella,

Not worked up. Just thought I'd share. I think it brings comfort to other actors when a fellow actor shares the pain of the awkwardness that can sometimes be the audition. I've worked on both sides of the room. I've casted as well and been a reader for casting offices. I think there is always an odd sense of anxiety on both sides. Casting directors have a spot they need filled with the RIGHT actor and the actors come in, bare their soul in the work and hope they are that fit. It's so different from being on set. After a while that anxiety wears down and you realize more auditions will come and that every actor goes through the ringer too. It's all part of the process. And a process worth sharing.

Madeline Romine

Over the last two months I auditioned 4 times for various projects. The first two were in person and I got one but not the other. I wasn't nervous at all just walked in and did the sides, thanked them and left. The last two were a whole different story. They were both video auditions and I was a nervous wreck. I taped both and then proceeded to reshoot them 3 times. After that was done, I went to upload them and realized that I uploaded the wrong videos...didn't get a callback on either, and somewhere out there are two of my worst video auditions ever. Stuff happens and I don't sweat it, just moving on to others things.

Stephen Anthony Bailey

That's right Madeline. You absolutely have to forget about the projects. There's ALWAYS ANOTHER AUDITION for you in the future. No one's career was ever ruined by 1 audition. Self-tapes are difficult. All of my actor friends feel the same. So you're not alone there! You get used to it over time. The trouble is that you're expected to be even better than you would be in the room with the CDs because you have the ability for multiple takes. ;) Thanks for sharing!

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