Introduce Yourself : Greetings S32 from another writer by Chip Street

Chip Street

Greetings S32 from another writer

Howdy all! I'm a writer from the Bay Area, California ... One sold spec screenplay, a few options, a couple of ghostwriting gigs, some polish work (just finishing up a revamp of a found footage thriller with another writer) and talking with a couple of overseas producers about some assignment writing as we speak. Also writing screenplays for the distance learning market... even online lessons need scripts! :)

I have one creature feature horror, and one family road trip comedy available if any producers are looking.

Still hoping to get into more voice work (have done some)...

Wishing everyone a great weekend, and good filmmaking!

Tibor Tibi Andris Halmai (Andy Halmay)

Hola, Amigos, I salivated over the picture of the crowd at the bar - wish it were around the corner - starting to feel isolated with nose to the grindstone in dreary Toronto. I'm probably the oldest Stage 32 member so I hustle to get as much done before the Grim Reaper catches up with me. I'm paying the price for longevity - got an address book filled with names who are now pushing up daisies - and I miss them. This is not the first time I've introduced myself but today I can introduce something new - the world's first screenplay e-books. Every writer worth his salt has some unproduced screenplays

and even with a decent agent many a gem goes unproduced forever. Many screenplays are adaptations from a novel - thus represent the "second window." My first book was an adaptation of a screenplay. A publisher had seen a screenplay of mine and insisted I make a book out of it. Later, when Amazon became big in books, I did it again with my screenplay "100 Naked Girls." I've now got 8 books out and this one outsells all the others. So much so that I think I'll be able to get the funding for the film. BUT NOW THE NOVELTY. You can find screenplays in specialty shops of movies produced in the past but nobody publishes unproduced screenplays. Well, with e-books you can do it yourself and see what happens. Maybe a studio will want to pick one up. Maybe they'll generate some buzz and make it easier to raise production funding. We figured out a way to keep the screenplay format intact in Amazon's Mobi and in the past few weeks I published two screenplay e-books with two more just about ready to go. The titles are DRACULA, DARLING and THE AMERICAN HEALYS. You can find them in Amazon books. Coming up in the next few weeks are SURPANAKA and SUPERBRAIN!

Best wishes. Andy Halmay.

Vladislav Nogin

Welcome Chip, have a great weekend too!

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