Hello! : ) I've been here for awhile, but I'm getting ready to finally make the move to L.A., so I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself again. I'm a playwright, comedy writer, and paranormal blogger; I've self-published five books, and last summer I directed and acted in a web series I wrote (I also wrote and performed the theme song), and it was the greatest experience of my life so far. I was lucky enough to see one of my plays at 2Cents Theatre's Acting Out INK Fest in Hollywood last month, and ever since I got back, I've been getting ready for my move to L.A. I decided on a moving date (July 1st), have started applying to TV writing fellowships, have been selling and giving away my possessions, and researching L.A. jobs and apartments. It's overwhelming and scary since I've never been on my own, but I'm so excited to finally live in my favorite city and get away from Charleston's pollen and humidity. : )
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Hello Crystal and welcome! :)