Hi Everyone! Anyone wrote or presently writing a Reality TV Competition/Elimination Concept? Please do share how you came up with your budget. Was your sizzle reel done by a company, or did you do it yourself? How is it progressing?
Hi Everyone! Anyone wrote or presently writing a Reality TV Competition/Elimination Concept? Please do share how you came up with your budget. Was your sizzle reel done by a company, or did you do it yourself? How is it progressing?
Presently writing and producing web series , here is the latest episode, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YMwOBwNgls
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LEGION M: PITCH ELEVATOR is an interactive series designed to "open the doors" to Hollywood while entertaining and rewarding the public who are judging the pitches. This is not Project Greenlight -- it's more like fantasy football meets a pitch competition. The series is about the fun of choosing which pitches will more forward rather than the "making of" the pitch itself. In other words, the judges (the public) are part of the competition too! Those that pick the best "slate" of pitches will also win a prize. http://thelegionm.com/pitch-elevator/
The budget was crowdfunded and the reel was done D.I.Y. with video footage filmed at LA ComicCon and from contestants who submitted their pitches via YouTube. Currently, the project is being shopped around to major networks...