Hello everyone, my name is Francesco Philip Reale and I'm a filmmaker from Canada looking for any reason to make a great film, with great people, from anywhere in the world. My background is in Art and art history as well as a minor in classical history and literature. For me it felt only natural that drawing, photography, as well as writing would inevitably lead me into creating movies as the thing that would light up my soul. Movie making for me is a thing within itself, its kinda got a life of its own. You sit down, research, get an idea and run with it. Even while filming, its got this fifty fifty chance of blowing up in your face, and you sticking your nose in a glass of liquor the next night thinking, "God, am I doing the right thing?" And I think for us, it's a motivational thought that we can never put down, and always find ourselves crawling back into our work and realizing this is what we want to do. I love to create films that are different in a sense of narrative and display, I really hate the term arthouse or art film, because, shouldn't you as a filmmaker and artist consider your movie art? Shouldn't it make the world, think, laugh, cry, or even see something in a different light? I like to take risks and learn from what can work and what could work with a little bit of tweaking. All in all, making movies requires a bunch of people to come together and create something from nothing. I love to work with people and have a forum to create something, not just for the benefit of myself, but for everyone that has played a part in the creation of a movie. Let's not build walls and bring each other down, let's rally and make something awesome!
I know this feels like a rant, but honestly, I am an open book when it comes to making movies. So feel free to ask me anything, lets talk, lets think, and maybe one day make something that can stand the test of time!
Thank you all!
Welcome to the site!
I agree with you on the "you should think whatever you do is art" thing, and I would got the other way as well, and say that no matter how bad, all films are art. There is always something there that evokes an emotion, whether it is disgust, embarrassment, shock or whatever else.
On another note, you said we should feel free to ask you anything, what is it like being a colorblind cinematographer? Do you find yourself relying more on shadow and contrast? (I am not trying to be a jerk, I am genuinely interested, colorblindness is something that I have always been curious about.)
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My initials are BS... so I guess I'm gettin' set aside. ;-) What's up in da Great White North, eh?
Sup Canadian
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Brian Alan DeLaney, yea no worries. For me the colours that I have trouble with are green, reds, browns, and some shades of blue. Coming from an art background I was keen on using black in white mediums, so yeah I would say I like to work with contrast and colour to make things stand out in some way or another. Also I was more or less forced by mentors to read up on light and how it effects a subject more so than any colour. All in all, a good time! Thanks for asking!
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Brian Shell, nah just sheer coincidence, would never shut out anyones ideas or thoughts. And its pretty much the same. Cold, semi colourful, and making those movies where ever I can! Like wise to Myron, nothing much, just trying to get to making things around the world. The best way to discover the planet
Welcome Francesco!
Great post! Welcome!
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Hi Francesco, welcome!