I do so many different things that I sometimes blank when people ask me, "What do you do?" Author, Theatre Professor, Playwright, Director, Voice-over Actor, Acting coach, Artist, Etsy-shop owner, and on and on. Each endeavor influences the next--I find the music in the plays I craft, I find the story in the music I write, I find the place for some acting in the songs I sing, and so forth and so on. To do just one thing would be madness to me. Would love to connect with other hyper-creatives and hear your story!
Currently I'm working on many writing projects including adapting a stage play to a screen play. and finishing a children's book. I do a fair amount of keynote addresses on Creativity and I'm a Color Code Certified Trainer. I'm a sap for dogs of any kind and men in bowties :)
I think you need to find something to do. HA! Again, my humor sucks. Welcome and I hope you find some time for yourself. Take a moment or two each day and just breathe. It helps with the continuous maddening world around us! Good luck with all that you're doing.
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Yeah, that's a great philosophy you have there, one I totally agree with. I only juggle three or so different things at one time, which is about all I can manage, so kudos to you for doing so many things. Never a dull moment.
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i love to have narrators in my screenplays. :-)
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You're just born in the wrong century: during the Renaissance era, it was common for most artists to practice different disciplines, like architecture, painting, sculpture and writing... Specialization is a thing of the 20th (or 21st) century. Welcome to the Stage32 forums and enjoy your stay!