Producing : Out the frying pan into the fire! by Wayne Thompson

Wayne Thompson

Out the frying pan into the fire!

So frustrating when you get a possible investor saying we might be able to help but we need sales predictions from a distributor then the distribution companies will only say we will give you estimates when we see the completed film/ Well how the smeg are we meant to get the film finished to show distributors when we need the money to do so. What's more frustrating is the film is filmed we just need small funds for post production! Arghh!

Erik A. Jacobson

Have you considered putting together a 2-minute trailer to show to both distribs and investors?

Wayne Thompson

Hi Erik we have forwarded EPK's (usual reason is because we are not big enough - name wise!)

Wayne Thompson

Dan £20'000 UK and I already work full time (plus not sure how it works in US but if I was to get second job I would be taxed crazily!). We maxed credit cards, loans etc to make the film initially and would normally have been enough but due to unforseen circumstances (which happens sadly in every walk of life). I dob't plan on quitting will just take longer than liked - was just pointing out how frustrating it is. Especially stuck in UK where you can't hit the road and speak in person.

Wayne Thompson

I am real Vitaly and I already know everything you say but that dont stop me getting frustrating. I always do my homework as do my team. I also disagree with stop dreaming. We have to dream and follow our dreams otherwise what is the point of life. Just because I wasn't born into a rich family or a great part of the world for filming I will never stop dreaming and I will succeed. Determination is the key.

Wayne Thompson

Exactly Claude :)

Royce Allen Dudley

Finishing funds can be difficult; a request for finishing funds immediately red flags the questions "did you have a budget, did you go over budget, did others pull money, why isn't it all in place". An investor needs to feel excitement and energy around your project, not frustration. Also, when looking at a next film, investors love to see distribution of the last, profit from the last and a film that was handled in a way where it came in under budget.... not sat in the can as idle dollars. Is there a screener cut of the current film? And if not, why not ? Initial rough editing is accessible for nearly zero money to most producers. I know I am not helping solve this per se, but yours is an ancient pickle among indies. Another issue is time... films today become "stale" very quickly because there is such glut of them; ask yourself if you are losing any inertia that came from social media, advertising, press when you ramped up to shoot... those have great value, and they go away insanely fast now. And how I wish there were paragraph breaks in this forum's format ;(

Wayne Thompson

I agree with you totally Royce. Yes I have answers but like you say not always the best position to be in.

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