Introduce Yourself : Author by Jane McFaddenStephens

Jane McFaddenStephens


JaneMcFaddenStephens Author of "That's Not My Baby" My Switched at Birth Story. My story is about two American Baby Boomer families, who were victimized in a small clinic in the Arkansas Delta. A Father, two Mother's, and a daughter would pass through Heavens gate, before the truths are discovered. At first glance, you may render the switch, as an innocent mistake. This myth would be unraveled with past family stories. A Mother would protest, "That's not my baby," only to be silenced in shame, not knowing her own child.   She would throw her memories to the wind and take home another's baby, and that baby would be  ME! This is my song book  I am looking to finish my book, create a treatment and/or complete a screenplay for a movie or a television series.  Deadline nearing in September.

Francesca Palizzi

That sounds like a cool story! Welcome!

Jane McFaddenStephens

Thank you

Dawn Cobalt

Sounds great!

Arthur O. Thomas

Hi Jane, Welcome!

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