Hello everyone! I'm currently working on an animated feature film with Monarex Hollywood studios. Check out their website here: http://www.monarex.com
We're currently looking for funding for the project. The studios president will be traveling to china in a few months to translate my script and begin looking for companies that could be interested. We already have one lined up because Monarex is currently involved with them on another animated project.
However I thought I could do my share for looking for funding as well. Right now we are looking for 1 million dollars, obviously not all from one person. You will receive double of the money you put up. (Putting up 100,000 will get you 200,000). If you are interested, just go to my profile and contact me. You can give me your email and I will send you the script to read. If the script interests you and you want to get involved, I will give you the email of the president of Monarex and he will explain how you will get your return on your investment. Your name will also be in the credits! I can also provide a document showing you all of Monarex's credits.
Thank you for your time!